How to View and Edit Post Pending Admin Approval In Facebook Group

How to View and Edit Post Pending Admin Approval In Facebook Group

Facebook has created a large community for people to meet and become friends outside linking up with old friends and sharing pictures to get likes and comments from friends. As a result of these links, smaller communities of like-minded people are created and these smaller communities are called groups.

There are millions of groups on Facebook on different topics and subjects and people search and join groups based on their interests. While these groups are mostly free, some have been made private for reasons best owned to their admins and even some public groups have added group content moderation in other to regulate the type of content published by members of the group and also as a way to check spam activities in the group.

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While some persons are already used to spam activities ranging from hundreds of emails daily, to some, spamming is very much unacceptable and for this single reason, some group admins have taken drastic measures to make sure nothing goes live on their Facebook group without manual approval.

So if you are a member of a group where admin moderation is enabled, it means you will have to wait for admin approval after each post in such a group. While this might be annoying sometimes, it can also be an advantage especially when there are errors to correct or more content to add. This brings us to the topic of this post “How to View and Edit Post Pending Admin Approval in Facebook Group”

On Facebook, if you post in a group that requires an admin to approve it, can you view the post somewhere while it’s under review?

If the above question in any way affects what you are searching for, then we have provided an extensive answer here in this post for you to read and understand in very simple terms without complications. Haven said that, let’s get started on;

How to View and Edit Post Pending Admin Approval in Facebook Group

To view or edit your pending post in a group, follow these simple steps;

  1. Go to the group where the post was made; you can find all the groups you belong to and even more by clicking on manage group options from the small drop-down arrow at the top right of your Facebook account.
  2. While on the Facebook group, click on the first “More” option at the top of the Facebook group. This should be right after the group cover photo.
  3. Click on the manage requests option which is directly after the invite members option on the list. Once this is done, you will see posts you’ve submitted that haven’t been approved yet.
  4. Click on the three dots beside the post you wish to edit and the post will be editable.

If eventually, you didn’t see your pending posts in the group after following the above procedures, then there is a possibility that the post has already been approved or the admin has deleted your post or they have declined the request which means Facebook has automatically deleted the post.

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Method Two:

Go into the group and at the top near the writing space, there is a little indicator that says “You have one post pending approval” or more depending on how many you have pending. Click on the option.

It will show you all the posts you’ve submitted that haven’t been approved yet. If your post hasn’t been published, you’ll be able to edit it or delete it from the list. Otherwise, just leave it for the admin to review and approve.

If your post doesn’t appear on the list or there is no indication on the group page that you have a post pending approval, then it’s either your post has been published or deleted.

What are the ways to let the Facebook group admin know that I have pending posts to approve?

Because of the number of persons in a group and the number of posts pending admin approval, most times it is difficult for the admin to approve all pending posts so, if you need faster approval, you can try messaging the group admin through messenger to notify them of your post.

I also recommend you add the admin as a friend and try being friendly with them because they are most times volunteering to do the job(although in some cases they are paid). It is also important to note that these days, some groups have paid membership and only subscribers’ posts are approved.

Finally, if you want your post to always be approved, follow the group activities and post according to their content calendar. Also, try to be active, comment, share, and help other group members with your contributions this way the admin will notice you and start paying attention to your posts. Also, make sure to follow the group rules in your posts.

If I delete my pending edit on a page, will it delete my original post approved by the admin?

If you delete a pending edit in a group, it generally should not affect your original post that was already approved by an admin. Deleting a pending edit typically only removes the specific edit that is awaiting approval or review, without affecting any previously approved content.

Where to See Pending Posts on Facebook Group

If you wish to see all your posts pending approval in a particular FB group, you can do this by visiting the group, and checking your top left-hand corner, just under the group logo(if no pinned post) you will see “Pending content 1 post”(pending post number will vary base on the number of pending post you have) then you will see the option to manage content at your right hand.

With the manage content option, you can delete, make changes, or even turn off notifications for that particular post.

Read also: 12 Tips for Better Facebook Group Optimization

Do you have more questions? Or did you run into any challenges following these steps? then do leave a comment here and we will be very happy to clarify that.

Thank you for reading this post, sharing is caring, please do share this post with your friends, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other social network channels for regular updates.

1 comment
  1. Hello.
    If I edited my post on a facebook group after the admin approved it, is still necessary another approval of the admin?

    Thank you.

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