How to Upgrade Jamb Score – Upgrade Jamb Score 2024

How to upgrade Jamb score – Upgrade Jamb Score 2024

Since the announcement of jamb registration, there have been a series of questions on how to upgrade jamb score and there are also several adverts online in forums and other education-related communities on the subject of how to upgrade jamb score. Hence, in this post, we will be looking at the possibilities.

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How to upgrade jamb score

Like I said in the introduction above, we will be looking at the possibility of upgrading your jamb score to know if this is really possible as claimed by some people online.

Why it is almost impossible to upgrade your Jamb result

As you already know, jamb examinations are currently conducted using computers and all answered questions are then transferred to a central server usually located in the examination center or the jamb central server from which the results are then marked and grades are given accordingly thereby reducing the number of persons who can access the final work.

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Usually, in a standard networked work environment, only a person with admin clearance can access certain areas of the network and in a situation whereby a central server exists, network administrators and top members of admin are the only people with such clearance and since the jamb marking process is currently automated, the chances of sorting your own sheat for upgrade is low. Although I am not forgetting the fact that the site/ database where the final files are stored can be hacked to fulfill this upgrade mission, the chances of such are also low because of the amount usually charged by these advertisers.

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Upgrade jamb score 2024

I will advise you to stay away from all averts claiming or promising to upgrade your jamb score to avoid being scammed but if you think you have enough money to waste, please feel free to share your experience here after you have been scammed.

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If your jamb score is too low for a university, go to polytechnic or other institution that can accept your score. If your score is also too low for polytechnics, you can buy an evening programme form in any of the polytechnics that offer such as there is little or no difference between them.

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