How to Buy Federal Polytechnic Nekede HND Morning Supplementary Form 2023/2024 At

How to Buy Federal Polytechnic Nekede HND Morning Supplementary Form 2023/2024 At

Federal Polytechnic Nekede is one of the best polytechnics in Nigeria with over 120,000 interested applicants looking forward to gaining admission into the school every year making it one of the most popular high institutions in Nigeria.

The management of Federal Polytechnic Nekede through a memo invites all interested and qualified students who wish to gain admission into the institution for a higher national diploma (HND) program to purchase their supplementary admission form for the 2023/2024 academic year.


Courses Available in Fed Poly Nekede Supplementary Form 2023/2024

The following courses are available in the federal polytechnic Nekede HND supplementary admission 2023/2024.

Note; all departments are listed according to the school they belong

School of Business and Management Technology(SBMT)

  • Taxation

School of Industrial and Applied Science(SIAS)

  • Phamarcitical Technology
  • Hospitality Management
  • Crop Production Technology
  • Agriculture Extension and Management

School of Environmental Design Technology(SEDT)

  • Art and Design(graphics)
  • Art and Design(painting)

School of Engineering Technology(SET)

  • Computer Engineering

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Entry Requirements

All candidates are to meet the following entry requirements;

  • All candidates are required to possess a National Diploma in their chosen program from a recognized/accredited institution.
  • Candidates should possess at least five O’ level credits including English and Mathematics at not more than 2 seating.
  • Candidates must have one or two years of post-national diploma industrial training experience.

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How to Apply for Federal Polytechnic Nekede HND Supplementary Form 2023/2024 at

To start your application, you have to follow these steps;

Note; you will need your ND result, a passport photograph, and your O’ Level result to complete the form after payment.

  • Go to
  • Click on the 2023/2024 portal, and a drop-down menu will appear.
  • Click on Apply for 2023/2024 HND Admissions
  • You will be redirected to a page titled “Apply for HND Admissions”
  • Screw down and click on step 1: generate an invoice and proceed to the bank.
  • A dial-up box will appear, telling the departments available. click on ok to see the form.
  • Fill the form carefully with correct details and remember to select morning from the application category and print your remita code.
  • Proceed to any bank of your choice to make the payment of 7,500 or use your ATM card to pay online for faster service. I have l have already talked about how to make this payment with your card and process the form in my previous post on How to Process Your Acceptance Fee. The steps are the same all you need to do is follow them carefully.
  • After a successful payment through either the bank or online using your ATM, you have to return to step 4 above and this time, click on Step 2 or follow this link
  • Put the code written RRR / Confirmation Code on your bank printout.
  • If the code is correct, you will be taken to a new page with the pre-filled information you provided before.
  • Fill out all required filled properly and print your invoice.

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Note; you will be required to present the invoice at the screening point so make sure you keep them properly.

Deadline For Application

Check the portal for deadlines.

Note: for students who have been offered admission into other related departments in this academic year but wish to switch to any of the above departments, you are to meet the HOD of the new department for guidelines for the change of course and you are not required to buy the form.

Thank you for reading this post on Federal Polytechnic Nekede HND Morning Supplementary Form 2023/2024, please do share this post with your friends, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and other social network channels for regular updates.

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