Top 6 Best Ways to Read and Understand

Top 6 Best Ways to Read and Understand

Do you read and forget what you have read after a short while? Or do you read and do not understand what you have read? If you answered yes to any of the two questions, do not worry, you are not alone. Don’t ever think that you have a “blockhead“ because you don’t. Many people feel the same way. Now you know that there is a problem. That is good because there is a solution.

Whether you are reading to write an exam or just reading for knowledge, know this; everyone can read and understand what they read. You can also retain what you have read. You just need to follow some simple steps that works.

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Best Ways to Read and Understand

  •  Concentration

Concentration is a must if you want to understand what you read. How can you understand what you are not paying attention to?

Kill all distraction in any form. Concentrate on the work at hand, everything else can be done later. Remember the sun’s energy cannot burn until it is brought to a focus. Focus on the book you are reading.

  • Kill Anxiety

Yes, kill anxiety in any form. Are you worried that the work or book you are reading is too big or too difficult? Know this, If you worry, you cannot do anything else. KILL WORRY. You cannot finish a dictionary in a day but you will not understand anything about it if you worry. Do not be afraid. Know that anyone reading anything of interest to him or her can understand very well without anxiety.

Best Ways to Read and Understand

  • Summarize after a while

When you are concentrating and you are not worried, you will read better. However, always stop at an interval to summarize all that you have read until that point. Doing so will help the brain retain more and the information you need will flow freely. Any area you do not understand can be easily dealt with, while you continue your reading in understanding without confusion.

  • Ask Question

One way to know if you really understand what you are reading is to ask yourself questions, based on what you are reading. Use What, When, Where, How, who, when asking questions. When you answer the questions you ask yourself correctly, your brain ingrains the answer and you will rarely forget the answer.


  • Take Stock of the day

At the end of your reading, do a revision of what you have read. Then, before you sleep for the day, try to do a recall of all you have read for the day. This way, the things you have read is moved from the short-term memory to the long-term memory. You will rarely forget what you have revised after the end of the day.


Read and Understand

  • Answer Questions and do exercises

If your reading material has exercises to solve or attempt, please do no ignore them. Attempting them will make you better and more confident in what you know. The old adage that says, practice makes perfect still hold true.

If you follow the steps outlined above, you will not have to worry about forgetting or poor performance as student because you will achieve the success you desire using these steps.

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