Federal Polytechnic Nekede Admission and Application for Post UTME 2016

Nekede Post UTME 2016

All candidates who applied for the 2016/2017 UTME and filled Federal Polytechnic, Nekede as Institution of First or Second choice with a UTME Score of 180 and above are requested fill their application www.fpno.edu.ng, the following particulars:

a) O’Level Result

b) UTME Score

c) Jamb Subject combination for the course applied.

Candidates who are awaiting their O’Level (Nov. 2015 and May/June, 2016) results are also eligible to apply.

The price for Screening fee is  #2,500.00 (Two thousand, five hundred naira only) which should be paid into Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Treasury Single Account (TSA) 0140468461017 nationwide. The payment can be made in any bank.

Processing Federal Polytechnic Nekede Screening form 2016/2017

Before making your payment at the bank you are required to generate an invoice from the school website  http://ndapplication.fpno.edu.ng/ after which you can now proceed to the bank to make payment.

After your payment at the bank, you are required to return to the above website to complete your registration by clicking on Applicants and then fill application form.

At the end of you the form, candidates are required to print a photo card which will be used for the screening excise in the school at a date which will be disclosed later by the management.

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