Federal Polytechnic Nekede ND Morning Supplementary Form 2017/2018

Federal Polytechnic Nekede ND Morning Supplementary Form 2017/2018

This is to inform the public and all prospective students of Federal Polytechnic Nekede that the sales of supplementary form into ND Morning programme for the below departments has commenced and prospective students are expected to get their form as soon as possible.

The Federal Polytechnic Nekede supplementary form to ND Morning programme is available for prospective students who filled the school as part of their UTME institution in the 2017/2018 Jamb examination and scored 180 and above and are interested in any of the courses listed here.

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Departments Available in The Federal Polytechnic Nekede supplementary form 2017/2018

  • Office Technology and Management(OTM)
  • Purchasing and Supply(PS)
  • Taxation(TXT)
  • Agricultural Engineering(AE)
  • Mechatronics Engineering(ME)
  • Agricultural Technology(AT)
  • Fisheries(FIT)
  • Maths/Statistics(M/STAT
  • Hospitality Management(HMT)
  • Surveying and Geo-Informatics(SUG)
  • Urban and Regional Planning(URP)
  •  Art and Design(ARD)
  • Estate Management(EM) and
  • Quantity Survey(QS)

Entry Requirements

  • Candidates should possess at least five O’ level credits including English and Mathematics at not more than 2 seating.
  • Appropriate Jamb subject combination for the course.

How to Apply

Follow the steps below to apply for the supplementary form and process the form.

  • Go to the school portal fpno.edu.ng
  • Click on applicant and then select generate invoice
  • Fill the form with correct information and click on generate invoice at the end to submit the form.
  • Print your invoice and proceed to the bank with the sum of 7,500 to make payment into the account number 0140468461017 or make your payment using your ATM card; my previous post  How to Process Your Acceptance Fee will help you understand how to make the payment on remita.
  • After a successful payment, return to the school portal and click on Applicant and select fill application form
  • A new page will open, select applicant from the menu and enter your RRR code/ Confirmation number
  • If the pin is accepted, you will see a form to fill.

Note: you will need a passport photograph and your O’level to complete the form.

Thank you for reading this post on Federal Polytechnic Nekede ND Morning Supplementary Form 2017/2018, please do share this post with your friends and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and other social network channels for regular update.


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