Gmail Sign in and Five Simple Tips to Stay Safe
In this post, you will learn five simple tips to stay safe while your Gmail account is signed in.
Gmail is the most popular email providing service in the world likewise the search for Gmail hacking tips which is while you need to learn some safety tips for better Gmail sign in experience.
 Gmail Sign in and Five Simple Tips to Stay Safe
Tips 1: Use a strong password with green indicator; using a combination of upper and lower case characters missed with numbers and special characters will give your Gmail account a maximum security and keep you safe while you sign in.
Tips 2: Sign in with your personal device; using only your personal computer or mobile device to access your Gmail account will guarantee you maximum security and keep you on alert when you notice something funny in your Gmail account and this will help you to know where to look in case of hack attacks.
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Tips 3: Setup a second factory security; although is annoying to run into a request for authentication delays when you need to check your mail quickly, but your security should be taken seriously while you sign in to your Gmail account.
Tips 4: Use different password; people always make the mistake of using the same password they use on their social media accounts with their email account, this is very wrong as anyone can manage to hack or steal your password while you click on share buttons or authorise on different blogs, forums etc and if your Gmail password is the same with your social media account, the person can gain access and take over your account completely.
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Tips 5: Don’t authorize apps you are not sure off; you may run into apps asking for authorization to your Gmail account and require your Gmail sign in, some of these apps or sites can be a trap for unsuspecting internet users, such, it is very important that you are sure of the site, app, portal etc you are granting access to use your Gmail account.
Final words; your email address is a very important tool and the fact that you are currently using a Gmail account makes it even more important because your email is also connected to your mobile device if you are an Android user likewise other Google service which is why you need to be more security conscious.
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