3 Easy Ways to Copy Text from a Right Click Disabled Website

3 Easy Ways to Copy Text from a Right Click Disabled Website

Have you ever come across a website that prevents you from copying their article while surfing the web to do your assignment or research? If yes, then this article 3 Easy Ways to Copy Text from a Right Click Disabled Website will guide you on how to remove that restriction in 3 easy ways.

How To Copy From Right Click Disabled Websites

Usually, to copy an article or text from a website you just have to select the text you want to copy, then right click on your mouse and select copy from the menu that shows up. But recently, this feature is usually disabled by website owners to prevent abuse and duplicate content since other bloggers or website owners sometimes miss use the privilege.

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Note: this article is not intended to teach how to steal people’s content but to help students and researchers who are limited because of these restrictions even when they are willing to reference the site in their work.

Method 1:

  • Copying text from right click disabled site using Mozilla Firefox Save Feature:

The web browser Mozilla Firefox has a feature called save as text. This feature can be found by clicking on the menu option at the top left or right of the browser, then click on save as. Now to use this on a right click disabled website, open the page you wish to copy the content from, then click on the menu on Mozilla Firefox and select save page as then select text option or .txt then hit the save button. The whole content of that page will be saved to your phone or PC and you can access the file with notepad or any text reader. I call this the old method because it leaves you with lots of editing work because even the part you don’t need will be saved.

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Method 2:

  • How to Copy text from right click disabled site using Google Chrome

 Copy Text from a Right Click Disabled Website

The Google Chrome web browser has a lot of features which most people don’t know exists probably because most require a little more knowledge or the use of little software called extensions. The chrome extensions are developed by individuals to help people perform some additional task with ease just like removing the restriction on right click disabled page. You can check out my previous article on Best Google Chrome Extensions. To use Google Chrome Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy extension, first, open your Chrome web browser on your pc then click here to download the extension. The extension will be installed on your Google Chrome browser with a button at the top of the browser. To use the extension to copy text from a right-click restricted website, visit the site and go to the page or article you wish to copy then click on the button added by the extension at the top of your browser and then proceed to highlight the article you wish to copy then right click and copy your text.

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Method 3

  • Using Allowcopy

 Copy Text from a Right Click Disabled Website

Allowcopy is a website which allows you to copy a content of a right click disabled website with a click of a button. I call this the easiest method because all you need to do is visit Allowcopy.com, input the link to the article you wish to copy in the URL space and click on submit. This will open the site and allow you to copy the content without restrictions.

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Now that you have gotten the 3 easy ways to copy text from right click disabled website, try not to abuse it and only use it for good purpose.

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