Unilag Post UTME 2018/2019 | How to Register for Unilag Post UTME 2018/2019

Unilag Post UTME 2018/2019 | How to Register for Unilag Post UTME 2018/2019

This is to notify all prospective students of Unilag who entered the school as their first choice institution during the last jamb and scored up to the cutoff mark thatĀ Unilag Post UTME 2018/2019 registration has commenced.

Requirements for buying Unilag Post UTME 2018/2019

Only students who meet the below requirements will be considered for admission in the Unilag 2018/2019 academic admission process.

  • Candidate must have made Unilag his/her first choice institution.
  • You must score up to 200 and above in Jamb 2018/2019
  • You must have 5 O’level credit passes in not more than one seating.
  • You must not be less than 16 years old by 31st October 2018.
  • You must participate in the post UTME screening exercise.

How to Register for Unilag Post UTMEĀ 2018/2019

All candidates for unilag post utmeĀ 2018/2019 should follow this steps to register.

  • Visit Unilag portalĀ unilag.edu.ng
  • Click on admission at the top of the page and select post utme from the page that appears.
  • Login to the utme page using your jamb registration number as your username and your surname as password(Example: Username: 1887689EG and Pass: Charbens)
  • Generate your payment invoice and print.
  • Proceed to any bank of your choice to make payment or click on the make payment option below the invoice to make your payment online using your ATM card.
  • After a successful payment, return to the school portal to complete the post utme form with accurate information
  • Print out your photocard for the post utme exams.

Unilag Post UTME Date

The post utme is scheduled to hold on Monday 6th to Friday 10th AugustĀ 2018.

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