What Next After P-Yes Recruitment 2022?

What Next After P-Yes Recruitment 2022?

Did you apply for P-Yes Recruitment 2022? if yes, then read this post to find out what happens next after the presidential youth empowerment scheme recruitment 2022.

What Next After P-Yes Recruitment 2022

The first thing, every P-yes applicant should know about the presidential youth empowerment programme is that all activities for the scheme have just kick-started and the registration process is still very fresh hence you are just to do your part at this point by submitting your application form online.

P-Yes Recruitment 2022 beyond P-Yes Registration 2022

After the entire registration process, it is almost certain that the main activities will commence although this time we are respecting it to be more transparent, unlike the 2019 section. What we are expecting include;

  • List of Pre-selected applicants for P-Yes recruitment 2022
  • Screening of the P-yes Pre-selected candidates and finally,
  • The final list of selected candidates for P-yes recruitment

Startup Date for P-Yes Training 2022

Although no definite date is given for the commencement of the P-yes training, from my calculations, after the entire recruitment process, we are expecting that the training proper will start sometime in June all things being equal.

Three Things You Must Do Stay Informed on P-yes

As we continue to wait for the list of shortlisted candidates for P-yes recruitment 2022, here are three things you should do to stay informed;

  • Like the official P-yes facebook page https://web.facebook.com/PYes01/
  • Follow P-yes on twitter https://twitter.com/p_yes_nigeria
  • Finally, always check our blog for updates related to P-yes by subscribing to our newsletter.

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