NUPEMCO Recruitment 2022/2023 – See Nigerian University Pension Management Company Form Here

NUPEMCO Recruitment 2022/2023 – Nigerian University Pension Management Company Recruitment Form, Requirements and How to Apply

Are you looking for NUPEMCO Recruitment 2022/2023? Would you like to know how to apply for NUPEMCO recruitment 2025? Are you interested in knowing the commencement date for the Nigerian University Pension Management Company recruitment 2025? Will you like to know the nupemco recruitment portal 2022-2023?

In this post, you will see the answer to all the above questions and more information regarding the Nigerian University Pension Management Company Limited.

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Facts About NUPEMCO 

The Nigerian University Pension Management Company Limited (NUPEMCO) is a company duly registered under the Companies and Allied Matters Act Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, with its registered office at No 1, Zambezi Crescent, Maitama, Abuja. The company is geared towards the management and administration of pension funds of employees of the Nigerian University System.

Requirements for National University Pension Management Company Recruitment 2022/2023

There are various requirements which every intending applicant for a job is expected to meet and nupemco recruitment has some basic requirements and these include;

  • Applicants must be Nigerians by birth or Nationalization.
  • Applicants must be medically fit and present certificates of medical fitness from Government recognized Hospitals.
  • Applicants must be between the Nigerian working age limit.
  • Applicants must be of good character and must be free from crime
  • Applicants must possess the requisite qualifications and certificates as proof which matches the intended position.
  • Applicants must not be financially embarrassed.

Other requirements necessary to complete your online application may include having a working email address and a valid means of identification.

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NUPEMCO Recruitment Portal

All recruitment conducted by the Nigerian University Pension Management Company Limited is listed on their official website through the career section and mass recruitments are announced on National TV and daily newspapers in the country a few days before the recruitment commences. You can also follow them on LinkedIn to check their jobs section on regular bases for updates.

How to Apply for NUPEMCO Recruitment 2022/2023

Interested and qualified applicants for NUPEMCO recruitment are required to complete their application via their recruitment portal on or before a given deadline for application. Applicants are usually required to complete a short profile form which will enable them to select their desired password and username before completing the recruitment form.

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Note: as at the time of writing this post, there are no vacancies at NUPEMCO, however, NUPEMCO allows intending applicants to submit their CV through the above portal and such persons are informed when there are vacancies that fit their qualifications based on the CV uploaded. The information given here can still serve as a guide when the full recruitment commences.

Leave a comment with an active email account if you want to be notified as soon as the recruitment commences. This service is totally free and we will never ask you to pay for a job.

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  2. Thanks for this awareness,pls notify me if any vacancy comes up.

  3. I have years of experience in pension fund administration and management. Please kindly notice me once NUPEMCO recruitment comes up.

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