Job in Nigeria – 3 Tips to help you find your first job
Finding a job in Nigeria as a fresh graduate might prove to be very difficult because of the high demand for experienced job seekers but in this post, you will find simple tips to help you get your desired job in Nigeria as a fresh graduate.
3 Tips to help you find your first job in Nigeria
- Explore all connections: Identify the people you know who work in a field you’d like to pursue a career in or at a company you’d like to work at. Reach out to them and build a better connection to learn more about how they landed the job and got where they are today. You can even ask them about the application process. You never know, an old classmate, or someone you met at an internship, dinner party, or a fundraiser could help you find the stepping stone in your career.
Read: Top 3 tools for job hunting
- How do you spend time: Staying informed about the best time to apply for the job and get hired can make all the difference in getting your first job. A research by the Linkedin community found that more applicants in 2016 got hired between April and June. Similarly, staying updated on the top companies accepting entry-level candidates and their requirement can help you prioritize where to spend your time effectively.
Read: Top 3 Nigeria Federal Government Mass Recruitment Jobs to Apply for In 2018
- Use every resource to help pass the interview: Getting information has become easier with the use of internet but the big question is, are you really using the internet to find the information you need? You may have found an open role that seems like a perfect match, updated your resume, and landed the interview – now what? Is time to get to work and find out all you possibly can about the firm and the people you might meet at the end and If you have the name of the interviewer checking out their LinkedIn profile and public social media accounts can give you some ideas for breaking the ice. LinkedIn’s Career Advice platform can also be of great help in such situation because you can connect with experienced professionals and ask them for their best interview tips.
You might want to check out this post “How to Apply for NYSC Jobs on NYSC Job Portal”
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