INEC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2018 – How to Apply for INEC Adhoc Recruitment 2018/2019

INEC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2018/2019 – How to Apply for INEC Adhoc Recruitment 2018/2019

The Independent National Electoral Commision(INEC) last year announced that the commision will employ one million persons to run the ad hoc workers ahead of the Nigeria 2019 general elections which are 300 persons higher than the 700 deployed during the 2015 general election.

INEC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2018/2019

According to the INEC boss Prof. Mahmud Yakub, the recruitment for Adhoc staffs will commence in 484 days from the date of the announcement which was Thursday 19th, October 2017.

Read: N-power 2017 Final List of Selected Candidates Release Date Announced

As the clock continues to count down to 484 days, Nigerians are continuously searching and waiting for the recruitment to commence and this post will give you an idea of how many days are left and the possible commencement date for the INEC Adhoc staff recruitment.

Read: Rivers State Project Hope Recruitment 2018/2019 and How to Apply

Commencement Date for INEC Adhoc Recruitment 2018/2019

As stated above, the Independent National Electoral Commission boss Prof. Mahmud Yakub said on Thursday 19th, October 2017 said the recruitment will commence in 484 days and from our calculations, is been 177 days since this statement was made and the recruitment will commence in another 307 days which is Friday 15th February 2019.

Read: IITA Recruitment – Requirements and How to Apply for IITA Recruitment

How to Apply for INEC Adhoc Recruitment 2018/2019

The Independent National Electoral Commission Adhoc staff recruitment procedures and requirements will be conducted via the INEC recruitment portal or any other portal which will be made available as soon as the recruitment commences on the 15th of February 2019.

Updated: Click Here to Apply

Thank you for reading this post, do leave us a comment if you would like to stay updated on this job and other jobs posted on this site.

Note: the above date is not guaranteed although it was gotten from the 484 days given by the INEC boss. The Independent National Electoral Commission reserves the right to make changes to this date base on some factors that might not be made public.

Thank you for reading this post, please do share this post with your friends and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and other social network channels for regular update.

  1. INEC should update me immediately when the form is out

  2. please update me when you start the adhoc recruitment

  3. I will like a notification as soon as the form is out.
    Thanks in anticipation

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