CoronaVirus: Top 10 Digital Skills you Could Learn indoors
While you are working from home or watching movies from home, you can do yourself a favour by learning one digital skill or the other.
Just in case you are wondering what you could learn, here are a good list of digital skills you should consider;
Content creation –
If you are creative and love to write, you can master the act of  content creation and make a minimum of $3 (N1,200) per 300-500 words written.
2. Content promotion /marketing –
while some of us are good at generating contents, others are good at promoting and getting others to buy or click through/so if you love marketing or promotion, you could learn more about this via Linda or udemy.
3. Social media promotion/marketing –
if you are a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, tiktok, Quota, etc lover, then you can convert that into a source of income during this season.
3. YouTube promotion and monetization –
if you have a skill already or you are well grounded in any topic, you can start making videos and upload to YouTube even if its once a week this is a long term source of income and the profit can run into thousands of dollars.
4. Learn how to blog –
you can do this from the comfort of your bed and even add it to your CV as a booster. You can also bank big with it( even if you hate writing, you can be a blogger provided you have some money to spend).
5. Photo editing –
Yes this skill can be learnt online and you can make a lot of money from it if you showcase your skill on any of the freelancer platforms out there. You could also contact one or two family friends to scan and send their pictures for you to edit while you bill them to get it done.
6. Excel pro –
you may have lost out on a job interview because of this and now is the time to learn it and even offer it as a service online as a source of income without looking for a job when the quarantine period is over.
7. Website design –
this service is a gold in the current age and you could get started immediately by visiting YouTube or even taking a course on udemy for as low as $12. You can charge your company for this service after covid 19 is over and make some reasonable amount of money for yourself. You can also do this from the comfort of your bed.
8. Facebook ad management –
I personally charge people to use their money to run ads for them and you too can start making some money while staying at home with this service all you need to know is how to run a Facebook ad that converts to either traffic or sales or even leads depending on what your client wish to archive.
9. Network marketing –
Why so many companies are currently shutdown, most network marking businesses are flourishing because they don’t require you to be in an office to recruit or register new members. I know you probably hate to refer or talk to people to join a network but  then, Facebook ads can also help you talk to people to join without you being there. And this period is the best time to get people to listen because most are busy doing nothing.
10. App development –
Yes, you can learn to develop apps while you are indoors and have nothing to do. You could start by downloading appybuilder which can help you start developing Android apps without having all the programing skills. If you already have some programing skills, it is also an advantage for you to add this up.
I can go on and on to list things you could do with this Coronavirus season that will change your life for good after corona but the choice is yours to take action.
Do you have a skill or something productive that is keeping you busy in this period of isolation? Please share it with us using the comment box
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