Child Safety Internet Browsing Tips: Keep Your Kid within Vigilance

Child Safety Internet Browsing Tips: Keep Your Kid within Vigilance

We all use the internet for several purposes. We search for a destination, shopping sites, information on educational subjects etc. We also browse daily news updates on the internet. Today, children also have become internet freak. They don’t only play online games. There are many anti-social elements that can harm your child. Thus, you must be aware of the child safety internet browsing. Parents must have control over the internet connection and the system on which they are using the internet. Let us have a look at some tips.

Read: Top-Notch Online Security Tools For Kids To Keep Them Safe & Protected

child safety internet browsing

Some special tips on child safety in internet browsing are as follows –

Assist your child while surfing the web –

A simple way of keeping an eye on what your child is viewing on the internet is, sitting with him or her and assisting in surfing. You should not let them realize that you are scrutinizing or keeping an eye on them. Pretend as if you are helping them with more easy surfing methods.

Filter programs – this is really vital at the present time

You can also restrict or block a few sites which you feel is not safe for your children. The internet tips for parents may include keeping only a few programs like educational, games and cartoon channels. This won’t allow your kids to view the unsafe sites.

Child-friendly search engine – best for your kid

You must install a different search engine for your child. Yes, there are few search engines designed to ensure your child’s safety online and setting up such search engines on their system will guarantee their safety online. Some of them are, etc. This will keep your kids browsing the pages that they need without opening any adult site.

Antivirus – a necessity

An antivirus is a must for every computer. You must install a strong and authentic one on the computer which your kid is using. There are many browser hijackers that come through the internet. This can even divert you to unhealthy sites without knowing your opinion. These are also known as scumware. Thus, you must install antivirus software. Firewall protection is a must at this stage.

Read: Keep Your Kids Safe Using Hassle-Free Spy Apps

Parental control on Netflix – easy and simple way to keep an eye

YouTube is now widely accessed by the kids of different age groups. Mostly 69% of kids aged between 8- 11 years watch the videos on YouTube. But, these videos are not safe for kids. They can see the adult videos as well. Thus, parents must have total control over these sites. Netflix controlled by parents can restrict kids from such videos.

Restrict from chat rooms –

Communication is very good for your child’s development, but having the wrong communication via chat is certainly destructive which is why the chat room can even spoil the kids. They will start chatting with strangers. The unknown scammer can even divert your kid’s mind and ask them to do something ethically incorrect. Thus, Internet safety for children includes chat room restriction.

A look at this infographic by Carlson Law firm will sure help you keep your kids safe online.

smart ways to keep your kids safe online


Your child’s online safety is very important and should be taken seriously no matter what. Therefore it is important that you invest in some premium tools like Net Nanny and other monitoring tools to help ensure their safety and keep track of their online activities while you are away.

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