Best Tips for Laptop Battery Saving and Boosting

Best Tips for Laptop Battery Saving and Boosting

The laptop computer usually comes with a high quality and long lasting battery when it is in new. In this condition, the battery stays for a longer time but, as time passes, the laptop battery capacity reduces due to wear and tear which  give rise to lower battery power. As a silt of this, you have to keep it in charge whenever you work this is what I and some friends call mobile desktop. At this stage, your laptop goes off with any little fluctuation of power and this is not a good practice for your laptop as this can lead to a crash and loss of documents and other important files.

In this post, we will discuss some laptop battery savings tips which if properly applied or implemented, will boost your laptop battery life and make it last longer.

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Here are some vital tips to save the battery of laptop computer –

Laptop Battery Saving Tips 1: Disable unused Apps on your laptop

Sometimes we may not know that some unwanted apps run on the background of our computer and such apps or softwares drain the battery without being noticed since in most cases you can only see them on the task manager without noticing that they are open on the task bar. If you want to save your laptop battery, just turn them off. The devices or ports runs with a power function. Now, this consumes a maximum portion of your laptop power. If you don’t use them, kindly disable them.

Laptop Battery Saving Tips 2: Battery maintenance tool to save battery

Normally, the manufacturer of the laptop provides the battery maintenance tool. You have to use that particular tool to save your laptop battery. The brands of laptop such as Sony, Lenovo, etc. have their battery maintenance panel. You have to play around it to see how best to make effective use of the tools provided without additional cost in order to the extend your laptop battery life expectancy.

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Laptop Battery Saving Tips 3: Adjustment with settings

As you operate the laptop, it is compulsory to use the display and keyboard. This will obviously consume a lot of power. But, there are some settings that can help you and changing those can reduce the power consumption. As a result, your laptop will save some power. You may reduce the backlight and switch off the unnecessary light present in the keyboard. You can also switch to night mode when using natural light. This will increase your laptop battery saving ability and increase the number of hours your laptop can stay on.

Laptop Battery Saving Tips 4: Turning off application programs (apps)

This tip might appear a little bit like the first one above but it is very different because while in the fist, you don’t know an app is running and also draining your battery, here you have to reduce the number of open apps in your task manager. So while you may have a view that the computer hardware is extracting or draining your battery in your laptop, it is not always true. The software applications are equally responsible for this. They are responsible for extracting your maximum battery life. Thus, you must turn off the apps which you don’t need. So why run three different browsers at the same time when you have need for just one at that point?

Laptop Battery Saving

Keep it cool

It is always important to keep the battery in cool place. In professional organizations, like computer academy, laboratory, etc., laptops are kept in cool place. They are kept in an AC room. This will increase the efficiency of the system. As a result, the battery life will increase and likewise the system performance. This is one of the tips to increase laptop battery. If you can’t afford an AC, use fan.

No full discharge – take care of this thing

Some people have a conception that discharging the laptop once in every fortnight is good for its health. But, expert says something different. You should not discharge the full battery of your laptop ever. This may affect the battery life. It is good to avoid full or complete discharge. So if the system warns about low battery and there is no alternative power source, just save your work for later and turn off the laptop.

Disconnect Charger from Power when Fully Charged

Some people have the habit of leaving their system on charge even when the system is fully charged, this is not good for your laptop battery because the cells can not charge above their charging capacity and keeping the laptop on charge will only reduce the battery life and increase the rate of discharge. Do pay attention to the system while charging and stay on the lookout for 100%, fully charged notification and disconnect even though you are using the laptop at that moment.

Use the Right Charger

Most people make the mistake of thinking that all laptop chargers are the same provided they have the same charging pin but this is very wrong because the chargers have different rating and this is one reason why you can not use any and every charger with the same pin to power or charge your laptop. If your charger goes bad, do yourself some good by getting another one with same model number and power rating with your laptop. To make this easy, you can go with the old charger to get a replacement and also make sure to buy from a trusted sales outlet or a repair shop.

Mind The Power Source

Yes you need to work with your laptop and you need electricity to do that when your battery is down but the source of power you connect your laptop to can reduce your laptop battery life and result to more expenses in the future. Therefore, it is very important that you use a source of power with standard rating as specified in your laptop manual. Avoid charging your laptop battery with low voltage and small generators as this will reduce your battery life.


Your laptop is an important electronic gadget and you need to handle with care and one of the most important thing you have to ensure, is well taken care of is the laptop battery retaining charge and applying the guidelines stated above will help you achieve that with less effort.

Thank you for checking out Best Tips for Laptop Battery Saving, please take a minute to share because, sharing is caring, please do share this post with your friends and don’t forget to like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other social network channels for regular update

  1. Interesting, the keeping it cool tip and the fact that you don’t need to do a full discharge every once in awhile were tips that I didn’t know. Thanks! I’m also going to try the batter maintenance and see if that can make a difference? My battery is really draining a lot faster than it used to unfortunately. Thanks for a great post.

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