6 Winter Horse Care Tips To Keep Him Happy And Healthy
As the winter months approach, it can be a challenging time for horse owners. With the chillier weather, less daylight hours, ice build up and excess mud in the fields, the unpredictable conditions can make it more time consuming when it comes to horse care. Get prepared for the season by following our six tips, leaving you ready to tackle the chilly weather and keep your horse in their best condition.
- Pick out the best rugs
Help your horse maintain a comfortable body temperature by dressing them in weather appropriate clothing, purchasing high quality turnout rugs that can offer a layer of protection from the cold and unexpected rain showers.
- Adjust their dietary plan
When grass being less plentiful in the winter months, ensure you provide your horse with access to plenty of forage throughout the days. As well as making sure they can graze enough, the digestion process contributes to the extra heat as the body works to digest the food. With any natural grass providing low nutritional content, it is widely recommended to also provide vitamin and mineral supplements.Â
- Maintain a water supply
All year round, it is paramount that your horse has continuous access to fresh, clean water. In the colder months, the risk of their water supply freezing over means your horse may become dehydrated without being drink as much as their body needs. If ice becomes an ongoing issue, putting a tennis ball or small football in the water can prevent freezing as it will float along the top of the barrel.
- Keep them sheltered
Even if your horse lives outside all year round, ensure they have an area which provides them sufficient shelter from the elements. This may consist of a group of trees or a hedge which blocks the wind and can be used for your horse’s as and when they need. If you bring them into their stable for the night, prevent damp and mud build up by laying down bedding and regularly mucking out, keeping their living conditions sanitary.
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- Undergo regular health checks
Although important all year round, the winter months can bring additional health risks, such as mud fever. Be sure to brush off any dried mud and check the feet and legs for any sores, keeping an eye on any wounds in case they get worse or catch an infection. If you suspect that your horse is unwell or you notice and unusual behaviour, be sure to consult a veterinary professional as soon as possible.
- Exercise safely in the weather
As the ice and the frost creep in, is can pose extra risks to both you and your horse. The dark and dull weather conditions also reduce visibility, making any black ice or uneven grounds a danger so carry out any exercise safely. Even though the weather can make it trickier to get out and about, it is important that you provide your horse with the opportunities to get outdoors and get exercise.