2Face – Annie I have Fucked up so Much Tweet Another Social Media Stunt

Annie I have Fucked up so Much

2Face – Annie I have Fucked up so Much Tweet Another Social Media Stunt

Barely 24 hours after Seyilaw’s show ticket stunt on his fans, on Instagram, 2Face and Annie Idibia are making rounds on Twitter for an apology which no one currently knows the reason.

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Although fans are asking and wondering what could be the reasons behind what some tag “all is not well in paradise” we are left wondering if this could be another stunt to gain social media attention or an apology for previous sins.

Innocent Ujah Idibia popular known as 2baba or 2face and his wife Annie Idibia have been a subject of discussion after his Monday morning apology for an unknown crime and here are what some fans have to say;

Fans Reaction on 2Face – Annie I have Fucked up so Much twitter

EARL OF LAGOS@cassyodian

Don’t think there is anything that can shock Mrs. Annie Macaulay Dibia. She has seen the best and the worse days. I don’t feel sorry for her I just think this is one of the worse days and the best days would soon roll in.

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We woke up to the news of Tuface aka 2baba apologizing to Annie & its gotten everyone talking.
Some are suggesting that his account was probably hacked. We @PHXbrowser hope this is true as these lovebirds have been some sort of proof that true love exists.

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Naija PR #BBNaija@Naija_PR

Why do I think Tuface has impregnated someone again

Want to see more reaction? Check Nigeria trends on twitter.

Why we think the Tweet is a Stunt

Just like Seyilaw’s Instagram post which was deleted with an apology to his wife who he said found the joke highly embarrassing and way out of line, 2face also deleted his message without words.

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About Charbens Benedict

Thank you for following my blog; I am Charles Benedict Anosike, I hold an ND in Computer Engineering and HND in Telecommunication Engineering. Updatefly is a blog dedicated to sharing all forms of educational and interesting topics and its purpose is to make sure you get the best and nothing less.

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