What Next After INEC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2022?

What Next After INEC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2022?

If you applied for INEC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2022, here is a list of what to do next or what to expect after the INEC Adhoc staff recruitment registration.

Read: pres.inecnigeria.org: INEC Recruitment Apply Now

What Next After INEC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2022

The first major thing every applicant should expect is the release of;

  • List of shortlisted applicants for INEC recruitment; after the release of this list of INEC Adhoc shortlist, shortlisted persons are then required to prepare for the
  • INEC Adhoc staff training; the INEC ad-hoc staff training is expected to last for a maximum of one week and all applicants are expected to report to their training center with their application photocard which will be signed at the venue by their resource person.
  • Collection of ID and other materials needed for identification and conducting of the election at the various polling units(This might be issued a day to the election to avoid cloning)
  • Election proper; the ad-hoc staffs are to report to their various area of assignment on the 16th of February 2019 to conduct the presidential election at the various polling units.


List of Shortlisted Candidates for INEC Recruitment

Read: MTN Nigeria Recruitment 2019 – 8 Current vacancies Apply Now

Tips to Stay Safe as an INEC Adhoc Staff

The 2023 general elections have got both local and international communities worried despite the high deployment of law enforcement agencies and the current python dance by the military, therefore, following some of these guidelines should help ensure your safety;

  • Avoid collecting gifts from anyone during the period of this job; a gift can easily create a weak spot and lure you into granting favors so avoid it at all costs.
  • Note the security personnel who arrives at the venue with you also note those that come next
  • Keep all forms of an attempt to bribe you to support rigging personal( Your colleague might be a sneak who has already accepted the offer and your disagreement might get you killed)
  • Be professional in your response and attitude toward others
  • Visit your area of primary assignment a day or two before the election and observe the building very well and also look out for emergency escape routes
  • Only eat official or personal food
  • Finally, take a few minutes to study the electoral offenses and penalties

Read: PWC Recruitment | PricewaterhouseCooper Recruitment

Elections in Nigeria have not stopped being a do-or-die affair and your safety should be of great importance to you even as you do your best to serve your country by supporting a free and fair election.

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