OFFICER CADRE Requirements at Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment 2021

OFFICER CADRE Requirements at Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment 2021

Interested and eligible Nigerians wishing to apply for vacancies under this role are to meet the under listed requirements

Vacant Positions

  • Assistant Route Commander (CONPASS 08)


  • Applicants must possess first Degree/HND from a recognized Institution of learning and
  • NYSC Discharge Certificate/Exemption Certificate.
  • Applicants must also meet these general requirements and other stated conditions;

General Requirements

Interested applicants for any of the above positions are to meet these general requirements plus the ones listed under each category above(click on the category to see the requirements).

  • a. Computer literacy and possession of a valid National Driver’s Licence shall be an added advantage for all cadres.
  • b. Any certificate or qualification not declared or tendered and accepted at the time of recruitment cannot be presented subsequently for career progression in the Corps.
  • c. Applicants must be Nigerians by birth.
  • d. Applicants must be medically fit and must produce a certificate of medical fitness from a government hospital.
  • e. Applicants must not be less than 18 years or more than 30 years of age. However, 35 years will be considered for Medical Doctors and Articulated Vehicle Drivers.
  • f. All applicants must be single.
  • g. Applicant’s height must not be less than 1.7metres for males and 1.64metres for females.
  • h. Medical and Allied professionals must possess current practicing licenses while Lawyers must have been called to Bar.
  • i. Male applicants must have a fully expanded chest measurement of not less than 0.87metres.
  • j. Applicants must be free from any form of financial embarrassment, be of good character, and must not have been convicted of any criminal offense.
  • k. Applicants must not have tattoos on any part of their body.
  • l. Applicants must use their personal email addresses and phone numbers when submitting their applications online.


  • a. Prospective candidates who are pregnant need not apply.
  • b. Applicants with any of the following disabilities need not apply:
    i. Impediment in speech (Stammerer/dumb)
    ii. Gross malformation of teeth (malocclusion, overjet, overbite, etc)
    iii. Knocked knees
    iv. Bent knees
    V. Bowlegs
    vi. K-legs
    vii. Flat foot
    viii. Bent arms/deformed hands
    ix. Amputation of any part of the physical body
    X. Impaired Hearing (partial/total deafness)
    xi. Hunched back
    xii. Obesity
    xiii. Visual impairment (squint-eyed, crossed eye, one-eyed, etc)
    xiv. Medical challenge and any other physical deformity not mentioned.

Application Deadline

The deadline to apply for this role is 24th August 2021.

How to Apply for Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment 2021

To submit your application now, visit the FRSC recruitment portal by clicking here or

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