Petro Cryptocurrency How to Buy and Cryptocurrency Facts

Petro Cryptocurrency How to Buy and Cryptocurrency Facts

Petro(PTR) which is also known as petromoneda is a new cryptocurrency created by Venezuela government to supplement Venezuela’s bolívar Fuerte currency and reduce hyperinflation.

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The Petro(PTR) cryptocurrency was first announced in December 2017 and have made its way into the crypto world in February 2018. The aim of this cryptocurrency as claimed by the Venezuela government is to help source fund from the international crypto market to finance the country’s oil and mineral reserves.

Petro is the first coin issued by a federal government and this is the first of it’s kind although it has attracted more criticism it is also a welcome development for the crypto world.

Petro Cryptocurrency How to Buy

82.4 million tokens are available for initial offer. Although the Venezuela president previously said 100 million petros will be issued, which is valued at over $6 billion.

The Venezuela government is working on an exchange platform for the sales of petro coin which is expected to launch between now and next month and also make available the license for the sales of the coin to other private exchangers but at the moment, you can create your wallet by visiting the site while you await the list of licenced exchangers.

Read: Cryptocurrency Facts

Trending search for petro which have been covered in this post include;

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1 comment
  1. Hello.
    Petro Cryptocurrency is popular day by day.It’s one of the digital currency in the world and most useful.It will most affect our digital currency.

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