Nigerian English Language Assistants to teach in France – Apply Now to Teach English in France

Nigerian English Language Assistants to teach in France – Apply Now to Teach English in France

Are you a Nigerian, do you think you have what it takes to teach English language in France? If yes, then the opportunity is here now for you to become an assistant English Language teacher in France and earn a good salary.

About the Program

This program allows you to familiarize yourself with the language and culture of France while bringing the authenticity of your language and the richness of your culture to schools.

This international mobility thus offers you a possibility of training and a beginning of professionalization, thus bringing an undeniable added value to your career.

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Language assistants in France are assigned to schools (primary or secondary).
The role of the assistant is to improve the students’ communication skills, especially orally, and to deepen their knowledge of a different civilization and culture.
It generally intervenes in support of the work carried out by the modern language teachers of the school and/or the educational establishment. He can intervene with the whole class in the presence of the teacher or take small groups of students apart.
The specificities of the assistant allow him to encourage students to express themselves orally, to bring a playful dimension to learning, and to discuss socio-cultural themes likely to

It can provide one or more of the following functions:

  • Practice oral language with the students alongside the teacher;
  • participation in the implementation of educational projects;
  • organization of a language club;
  • contribution to authentic recordings intended to enrich the audiovisual collections of schools and/or establishments;
  • participation in the implementation of an exchange project.

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Who Can Apply?

This job is open to all Nigerians who can meet the requirements stated below and are willing to travel abroad for a period of 7 months for the purpose of this job.


  • Applicants should be NIGERIAN citizens. Permanent residents are not eligible.
  • Applicants should be between 20 and 35 years of age at the time of taking up their positions.
  • Applicants should have completed his/her secondary education in NIGERIA.
  • Applicant must be enrolled at any NIGERIAN university at the time of application.
  • Applicant must have completed at least two years of university studies.
  • Applicant should have a minimum Level B1 in French is required.
  • Applicants must be native English speakers.
  • Applicants should preferably be single, as the salary of an assistant is not adequate to support dependents.

Note that pre-selected applicants will be contacted for an interview (online or physical) in one of the following locations in the country (depending on the city closest to your place of residence): Abuja (Institut français du Nigeria) and Alliances Françaises in Lagos, Port Harcourt, Ibadan, Enugu Kaduna, Owerri, Ilorin, Kano, Jos or Maiduguri.

How to Apply for Nigerian English Language Assistants to teach in France

Interested and eligible candidates should complete their application form online by clicking here. Check here for further information

Application Deadline

The deadline to apply for this recruitment is 25th February 2022.

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