N-Power Knowledge Multi-track Youth Empowerment Programme 2019/2020

N-Power Knowledge Multi-track Youth Empowerment Programme 2019/2020

Here is all you need to know about N-Power Knowledge Multi-track Youth Empowerment Programme 2019 including requirements and how to apply for N-knowledge Multi-track Youth Empowerment Recruitment 2019

Read: Nbuild Registration 2019/2020

About N-Knowledge Multi-track Youth Empowerment Programme

N-Knowledge Multi-track Youth Empowerment Programme is a new initiative by President Buhari led administration added to the N-power family. The Multi-track Youth Empowerment Programme is targeted at employing 60, 000 unemployed or under-employed graduates between the age of 18 to 25 years.

Structural Arrangement of N-power Knowledge 

The N-power knowledge Multi-track Youth Empowerment Programme will be divided into sections just like the N-power teach and N-power build program. In each section, 12,000 unemployed and underemployed youths will be recruited and trained in mobile computing and commonly used electronic devices. In the second phase, each of the 12,000 trained applicants will be empowered to train five(5) person each which will amount to the 60,000 targets set by the federal government.

Read: World Health Organization Recruitment 2019

N-power Knowledge Recruitment Portal

The portal to be used for this recruitment is the same as the N-power recruitment portal http://www.npower.gov.ng. Although a new section is expected to be opened for the conduct of this recruitment under the N-power Knowledge section which you can access here http://www.npower.gov.ng/n-knowledge.html

Requirements for N-Power Youth Empowerment Programme

Applicants who wish to apply for this opportunity should meet these requirements;

  • Be a Nigerian
  • Be a graduate
  • Must be unemployed or underemployed
  • Be a graduate
  • Be between the age of 18 to 25.

Read: Top 3 Sites That Helped Nigerians Pass N-power Screening Test 

When Will N-power Knowledge Multi-track Recruitment Commence?

The approval for this recruitment was given a few days ago by FEC (3rd April 2019) hence the portal is expected to open any moment from now. We will inform you once it’s open.

Deadline for Application

No deadline yet.

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